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Boundel: The Second Era Download] [torrent Full]


Updated: Mar 22, 2020

About This Game GAME REQUIRES A DIRECTX 11 CARDThe time has come. This is the time of guilds, wizards, warriors, blacksmiths, tailors, scribes, alchemists, woodworkers, animal tamers, brewers, traders, traitors and murderers.The Second Era begins!FeaturesCompletely Open World: Go anywhere and live anywhere.Real Massive Multiplayer: The game has one world carries the everyone.Crafting: Make armors, weapons, shields, dresses, potions & foods with a legendariness modifier, each crafted item is unique. Global Trading Market: Buy/Sell items on the market.Taming: Tame everything in the world. They will fight on your side. Also you can shrink them & store or sell on the global trading market.Create your class: Use your ability & skill points to develop your character as you like. Be the master of one skill or use all of them. Guilds: Create your guild and collabrate with your friends. Items have been crafted by ranked guild members will carry the name of the guild.Runebook: Mark locations and travel anywhere alone or with your friends by opening a moongate!Non-target Combat: Your attacks & spells are a dynamic physical object, so aiming is important, dodging is possible.No registration required, login via SteamNo in-app purchases, all updates will be free. Pay once play forever.Frequently updating 1075eedd30 Title: Boundel: The Second EraGenre: Indie, Massively Multiplayer, RPGDeveloper:Eren AydinPublisher:Eren AydinRelease Date: 14 Nov, 2016 Boundel: The Second Era Download] [torrent Full] (ONE QUICK NOTE, DEVS FIXED A FEW THINGS THAT I'VE SAID. VERY GOOD DEVS) In this state, I found myself to actually enjoy this game, it's very unique.Currently, there are many changes that can be made, such as the tree rendering distance, I find that on ultra graphics, I still see too little of the details further away. Maybe put it a step up? Like Ultra-high or something.Also, the main problem I have with this game is the exploration, exploring is a pain because you're gonna have trouble getting to areas because of the character stopping at areas. Also, the characters cannot drop. You can't fall at all, so trying to fall, you won't be allowed to do that. Trying to go down a mountain? You can't do that, you have to go around, through the enemies.The last problem is night, Night looks very very bad. Change the sky from brown to black, also while on a ship, the islands look very blue-ish, change this too. Honestly, the lag is the last of my issues. At this stage, I'm still having a VERY fun time on this game, I find it a great time wasting tool, just focus on what I've said, and your game could outstand many others on early access.I'm recommending this mainly because of the cheap price, if it were $10 - $20 I'd probably say no. But at this price it's worth it, get some more work done, and maybe it could be worth around $20, I hope this helped.Thanks ~Vezmarok. This game still needs a lot of work but yet the dev has already left. I along with a lot of other people bought this game to support the dev because we thought it was going somewhere but nope he took the money and gave the game away for free. Getting stuck in the terrain when even walking on a little hill. Crafting is boring. same loot over and over again when killing bosses. I feel there was supposed to be a lot more added to this game but seeing as the dev decided to bail on this game to work on another game and that tells me a lot about this dev.. - Original Review after a couple of hours of play -The server was moved after several days of being offline, and I was finally able to give the game a try.My impressions - Positives:+ Good variety of creatures+ Leveling seems fairly easy, at least in the beginning+ Can pick the skills you want to use+ No quests means you can really go do whatever you wantNegatives:- Mob AI is pretty bad. Lots of them just stand around while you hit them, others kill you off with no warning or follow you forever- Mana regeneration is very slow, at least in the early going, which means you spend a lot of time just kiting in circles or standing around doing nothing- Abilities need better descriptions and equipment\/skill points need explanations- Server stability - The server went down and\/or I was booted at least 5 times in the few hours I played- Toxic community - I was pk'd by two different people multiple times that could oneshot me, as they obviously outleveled me by a huge amount (had mounts and everything, so there was no way I could run away either), and just rode over and attacked without a word. I also had numerous other people decide to grab the loot that the mobs I was killing dropped, and\/or "help" me kill something that was nearly dead only to grab the loot.Verdict:Considering the cost, I'm pretty impressed with the framework here. The game has potential, but until some of the issues are fixed (especially the "free" looting issue and the fact that there seems to be no penalty for killing people that are trivial to you multiple times, both of which I can only see getting worse with a higher population), I can't really recommend it. - Updated Review - I've been playing some more, and did manage to find some people that didn't try to kill me on sight, and even a couple of generous players who offered tips and a mount, which was much appreciated. Having said that, the community is still an issue. Though this has become less frequent after gaining a fair number of levels, I'm still one-shot killed at times, often by people I didn't even see approach despite watching for them (I have a feeling this is due to the "recall" points, as people pop out of thin air when they recall), and I've been killed while still logging in several times as well. I'll readily admit I'm not much of a fan of pvp in the first place, but I can't really understand how "pvp" where one player kills another in one hit over and over again would be fun for anyone.I'm also finding (in line with what's mentioned in the comments) that there's less variety in mobs than I originally thought, as a lot of areas are just empty, and the pve seems to be pretty repetitive, as even though I'm still at a fairly low level compared to a number of players, unless I aggro a huge group of ranged mobs or fight a dragon, I'm already not finding too many challenges.Having said that, I'm now close to 20 hours into the game, and have been enjoying it more than I was in the beginning, so I'll change my recommendation to a "yes" with the caveat that there are still a bunch of issues with the game that hopefully will be addressed in the future.. Game has decent mechanics, it allows for some pretty good build customization. Taming in particular is quite nice. The world is a bit sparse though at the moment.I don't particularly care for this type of open world pking, fortunately there aren't many people on since you're pretty much guaranteed to be jumped by higher levels as soon as your newbie protection wears off. This is only problematic since gear permanently breaks after losing durability and there's no way to repair them yet. For some though I guess this could be a plus instead. It's not for me though so I won't be recommending it.. this needs to stay in early access for much, much longer


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